Prisoner of Azkaban
Owl Post
Harry gets presents from Ron and Hermione for his birthday and he gets a note for his school supplies.
Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake
Harry Potter escaped his wicked old mean stepmother and stepfather in an unusual way! He did magic when he was not
supposed to. He inflated his aunt which made his stepmother and stepfather tries to ketch his aunt and let him go away.
The Knight Bus
Harry found a wizard bus that could bring him to diagon alley where he could buy school supplies. He knew that he was doing something wrong so he said his name was Neville he had to pay five sickles to get to diagon alley then he finds Fudge and Fudge figures out that he is Harry Potter.
The Leaky Cauldron
Harry had to stay in the leaky cauldron because there were a few days till school. He bought everything he needed. When Harry waited a few days Fudge said Ron and Hermione were coming to buy there school supplies Hermione bought a cat called Crookshanks Ron bought rat tonic so his rat doesn’t sleep all the time Ron didn’t like Crookshanks because would like to eat Scabbers the rat.
The Dementor
When Harry, Ron and Hermione went on Hogwarts Express they saw a new teacher named professor Lupin. A Dementor striked Harry and Lupin gave a chocolate because it cures what Dementors do. They had finally reached Hogwarts for school they were going to the welcoming feast eating till it was over Treacle Treat for desert and then went to their dormitories they said pig snout the Gryffindor password so the fat lady
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