Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wii got the Wii Finalii

Wii were going to our friend Jay's house and when wii got there we saw the Wii. Me and my brother were in disbelief. Wii played the Wii and when wii saw what wii could do with the Wii, wii begged for the Wii at all times. My dad said wii could earn the Wii if wii pass the GATE test. Well wii did but getting the Wii was not as easy as I thought.

My brother started calling stores from the CircuitCity to Fry's but with no luck for months. Soon most of our friends got the Wii until one day at my hardest basketball game so far my Dad and my brother went to Bestbuy where my dad asked "When are you going to get the Wii?" The storekeeper said we have some right now. My brother was just overjoyed. I only got the news after I won the basketball game which made me double happy.

When we got home we plugged the Wii and made a list of rules. Then we gave a nick name to the Wii - "White SKY" and put in all the settings. Then we made Mii's (Mii's are people on the Wii) and wii explored the Wii. Then we played some Wii sports (tennis, golf, baseball, boxing and bowling). I LOVE OUR Wii

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